Society teams up with Mana kids

The Tongan Health Society has received a new contract from the National Hauora Coalition for the provision of five new school based clinics in South Auckland and is now partnering with Mana Kidz, which is a free, nurse-led, school based programme that provides comprehensive healthcare for children in the Counties Manukau Health region. The programme is led by the National Hauora Coalition and contracts with local providers.

Starting in July 2012, Mana Kidz clinics now operate in 61 primary and intermediate schools in the Otara, Mangere, Manurewa and Papakura communities. Each school clinic has a registered nurse and whānau support worker providing healthcare including rheumatic fever prevention services, skin infection treatment, ear, eye conditions, behavioural conditions and management and health assessments. Dr Doherty will oversee the service with Kasalanaita Puniani-Operations Manager and Mele Vaka –Clinical Services Manager. Nine new staff have been employed by the Society, four nurses and five whanau support workers have been employed to run the services.

Dr Doherty says this service model and contract opportunity links well into the services the Society is currently operating and provides wide reaching service support to the school based programmes.


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