Clinic Enrolment

We have provided an online enrolment form which you can complete and bring with you to your first appointment. If you want to do this, these are the steps involved.

You can print out the enrolment form and fill it in by hand and bring it to your first appointment.


You can fill in the form online, then print out the completed form and bring it to your first appointment.

Please remember to bring your proof of eligibility when you come to your first appointment.
Eligibility includes NZ Passport OR International Passport with Visa details OR NZ Birth Certificate and Photo ID and proof of address

We will ask you to sign the enrolment form when you come to your appointment.
So don’t forget your proof of identity needs to include your signature, so we can verify your identity.

If you don’t want to complete this form before your first appointment, don’t worry. We supply enrolment forms at all our clinics, and you can complete a form when you come for your first appointment.