What's happening
What's happening •
We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming vaccination event!
Saturday 10th September RSA Panmure, 163 Queens Road 8.30am - 3.30pm
'Oku mahu'inga ke fakakakato 'a ho'o huhu booster
'Oku mahu'inga ke fakakakato 'a ho'o huhu booster.
Anga Fakakaume'a Vaccination Drive-thru was another lovely event!
27th August 2022 vaccination event
Thank you to all who came to the Anga Faka'apa'apa vaccination event
13th August Drive-thru event video
Respect for each other and our community - that's the Tongan way
See you at the next vaccination drive-thru event!
Manatu Kiho Tupu'anga Vaccination Drive-Thru was another lovely event.
Thank you to those who made it on Saturday 30th July.
Perfect time to get caught up on any outstanding vaccinations
This Saturday at Lotofale'ia Church.
Tongan Health Response to Covid-19 by Dr Glenn Doherty
Dr Glenn Doherty speaks at the Mo'ui Lelei Conference - 23 June 2022
Immunise against HPV
Don't miss out on this perfect opportunity to get protected against cancers caused by HPV infections.
Join us this Saturday to get your second booster!
Watch the video to see the benefits of the extra Covid-19 protection Langimalie is offering for vulnerable people.
Impact of chronic health conditions on Tokelauan families across the life-course
Dr Lisa Underwood speaks at the Mo'ui Lelei Conference - 23 June 2022
Mo'ui Fakatokilalo was another successful vaccination event!
Check out the Mo'ui Fakatokilalo vaccination event video.
Reflections: Inaugural Pacific Peoples fono in the community
Dr Ofa Dewes's speech at the Mo'ui Lelei conference - 23rd June 2022
See you on Saturday at our next vaccination event!
Avondale Racecourse, 8.30am - 3.30pm, Saturday, 9 July
Tauhi lelei: Caring is everything, not just anything. If so, then what?
Dr Ofa Dewes's speech at the Mo'ui Lelei conference - 23rd June 2022