What's happening
What's happening •
Every Covid-19 experience is different - Thomas's story
Thomas shares his story and experiences with Covid-19.
Protect yourself and your family this winter
Ke malu'i koe pea moho famili foki 'ihe faha'ita'u momoko
Every Covid-19 experience is different - Frances's story
Frances shares her story and experiences with Covid-19.
Every Covid-19 experience is different - Elenoa's story
Elenoa shares her story and experiences with Covid-19.
Every Covid-19 experience is different - Ika's story
Ika shares his story and experiences with Covid-19.
Langimalie frontline workers' experience navigating the COVID-19 outbreak
Join us please this Saturday at the Free Church of Tonga, 47 Favona Road, Mangere, 8.30am – 3.30pm
Upcoming event: Fakakoloa Ma'ae Tonga
See you Saturday for your booster, kids vax, free RATS or Flu shot.
How to use the Rapid Antigen Test (RAT)
An animated demonstration of how to use as RAT test.
Q&A on Long Covid - Mele Vaka
Clinical Services Manager Mele Vaka answering your queries with regards to long Covid.
Q&A on Testing Positive - Mele Vaka
Clinical Services Manager Mele Vaka answering your queries with regards to testing positive.
Q&A on RATS (Rapid Antigen Testing) - Mele Vaka
Clinical Services Manager Mele Vaka with answers to queries regarding RAT testing.
Q&A on Boosters - Mele Vaka
Clinical Services Manager Mele Vaka on the importance of getting your booster shot.
Hey Tongans! Get boosted this Saturday!
Saturday 9th April, 8.30am - 3.00pm, Free Church of Tonga, 47 Favona Road Mangere