Learning Session in Wellington
Tongan Health is currently running a project for diabetic patients on maximum oral hypoglycemics that need to be transitioned to insulin, but are facing barriers because they are resistant, worried or unsure of the process.
The project is called ‘Pacific Living with Diabetes Service’. The project is funded by the Health Quality & Safety Commission. As a part of the project, Deepika Sonia and Mele Vaka are attending a Primary Care Quality Improvement Facilitator’s course, being held at Ko Awatea. The course helps participants to develop tools that will improve the quality of services provided at primary health care, which will lead to better health outcomes for patients.
Recently, Deepika and Mele attended a day Learning Session in Wellington to learn new tools to improve their specialist skills in quality healthcare, specifically for this project. They presented at the Learning Session and received positive feedback for their exceptional motivation, high level of understanding and being so far ahead of the game.
There are more workshops scheduled for the coming year they will attend to continue expanding these specialist skills. Once Deepika and Mele finish the course, they will look at how they can integrate these skills into other projects they work on.
The Tongan Health Diabetes project is due to be completed by April 2020.