Ali Family

Initial MAST score: 84.0 (high needs)
Closing MAST score: 39.5 (low needs)


Family Composition

Mele* (22) lives in a multigenerational household with her maternal grandfather (79), mother (48), father (49), and sister (25), and two brothers (19) and (11).

*Not her real name


Mele was previously employed part-time at the Cheesecake Factory, but lost her job during the Covid-19 lockdown. She suspended her studies nothing has been said about the studies previously to care for her ailing mother and grandmother. Her grandmother passed away tragically last year. Despite these challenges, Mele is determined to establish a small baking business from home.

Needs Assessment

Financial Support: Mele doesn’t have the funds to purchase materials for her proposed baking business.

Emotional Support: Attempting to balance her caregiving duties with her aspirations has taken a toll on Mele’s emotional well-being.

Whānau Ora KPIs

Financial Empowerment: Financial assistance to purchase the necessary materials enabled Mele to commence her baking venture.

Mental Health and Wellbeing: Support services will be provided to alleviate stress and anxiety associated with her family obligations and career aspirations.

Intervention Plan

Financial Assistance: Whānau Ora will offer financial aid to Mele, which will enable her to purchase baking materials essential for her business startup.

Counselling and Support: Professional counselling sessions will be arranged to address Mele's emotional stress and bolster her resilience.

Skills Development: Mele will enrol in workshops or training sessions aimed at enhancing her baking skills and business acumen, thereby fostering self-sufficiency and sustainability in her enterprise.

Outcomes Achieved

Business Establishment:
With Whānau Ora's financial support, Mele successfully launched her home-based baking business and realised her entrepreneurial aspirations.

Enhanced Emotional Well-being: 
Through counselling and emotional support, Mele developed coping mechanisms to manage her family responsibilities and pursue her career goals without compromising her mental health.

Community Engagement: 
Mele’s baking enterprise not only contributes to her financial independence, but also fosters community engagement and support, therefore strengthening family bonds and social networks.